Random Haiku Poetry 2013

Random Haiku Poetry 2013

O snail
Climb Mount Fuji,
But slowly, slowly!

evening lights
pour graffiti over temples
God smiles inside

Wake, butterfly -
It's late, we've miles
To go together.
- Basho

The whole world is you,
yet you keep thinking
there is something else.
- Hsueh Feng

How admirable!
to see lightning and not think
life is fleeting.
-Matsuo Basho

Random Haiku Poetry 2013

Trying to rush Spring
by wearing my floral scents.
Spring is not

Strange weather, green beer
Outdoor dining--all signs that
Spring is almost here.

At cremation ground
Advisors on rites remind
Of the six blind men

When somebody dies
The practical types showcase
Organising skills

Sometimes a good nap
is the cure for what ails you.
Today, for instance.

love is a nuisance
with it's glitz, glam, and promises
everything becomes broken.

I strayed from my goal
of a haiku a day, should
bury my face, shame

Making lemonade
as best I can from lemons
of disappointment.

Random Haiku Poetry 2013


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